Chapter 13 continues to provide for us Wise sayings from Solomon. This Chapter is focused on the virtues of speaking the truth, the dangers of speaking too much, the responsibility of becoming good stewards of money and wealth.
Solomon has made it clear that the Wise speak at the appropriate time, with truthfulness, and in the appropriate quantity. The Fools just talk to talk, they talk to hear them selves, they talk to bring attention to themselves and glorify themselves. In a popular quote (wrongly) attributed to President Abraham Lincoln; "Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt." Again, the Braying Donkey. Even those with a modest amount of Wisdom can immediately recognize the Fool who talks too much or for the wrong reason. There are several verses that deal with the stewardship of money and wealth. The accumulation of wealth is a responsibility. Often, Fools can amass a great sum, but rarely, can a Fool maintain great wealth. Those who exhibit Wisdom exhibit enterprise. Wealth is intentionally cultivated and encouraged to grow. The Wise do not use wealth as a tool to impress others, rather a means to help others, a giving and generous spirit is one of the pinnacle indicators of Wisdom. The Love of Money is the root of all kinds of evil. It is very important that we recognize the distinction provided in the phrase the Love of Money. Money it's self is not evil. The pursuit, maintenance of stewardship of money is not evil. Rather, Greed opens the door to all kinds of evil. When the Greed of money supplants the joys money can provide our families, we are inviting iniquity into our lives and families. I don't feel I have my thoughts well articulated today... In Short: The Wise speak the truth when there is something to day. The Fool speaks too damn much. The Wise are Stewards of Money and Wealth. Good Stewards use Money to provide for and bring joy to their family, provide for others through generosity, and use wealth to make more wealth. A Fool and his money are soon parted.
The Proverbs Project is intended to be a daily personal reflection on the wisdom of Solomon. We reflect on a book of Proverbs that corresponds with the date of the month. ArchivesCategories |