QOD. What first steps are you planning for getting the your class off on the right foot returning from the winter break? #edchat180
QOD. What are you doing to teach metacognitive skills? #edchat180 bit.ly/edchat180
QOD. What do we mean when we say we are teaching "21st Century Skills?" #edchat180
QOD. Do you have a holiday "Hook" for teaching math or reading? #edchat180
7:00 - Welcome to #AkEdChat I am excited to learn with you this evening. Please take a minute to introduce yourself to the group.
7:00 Tonight's topic will be Teaching Kindness, Empathy, Grit. #akedchat 7:00 I need to give credit where credit is due. @danbutler and @townsleyaj Thank you for the inspiration and motivation for tonight's #akedchat 7:03 We will be using the Q1/A1 format this evening. 7:05 Q1. How does Kindness and Empathy fit with your school's K-12 instructional plan? #akedchat 7:12 Q2. This time of year can be especially stressful for our students. What can we do to better meet the needs of our kids this holiday season? #akedchat 7:19 Q3. Some consider Kindness, Empathy and Self Awareness "soft" skills. How do you respond to these claims? 7:26 Q4. How can we teach Kindness and Empathy in our classrooms this week? #akedchat 7:33 Q5. Ts need Kindness and Empathy too. What can you or your school do to show faculty and staff extra kindness and empathy this holiday season? #akedchat 7:39 Q6. Apathy is a problem in many of today's schools. How can we teach Grit to combat apathy? #akedchat 7:45 Q7. How will you model Kindness, Empathy and Grit in your schools and classrooms? #akedchat 7:51 Q8. It is time for a commitment. What will you do in 2018 to increase "Soft" skills in your school? #akedchat 7:58 Thank you for participating this evening. Please be sure to follow new friends and grow your PLN. #akedchat Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! #akedchat Q. What are your "go to" references for blended learning strategies? #edchat180
Q. As the semester nears a close, How will you know your students have grown? How will you know your students have learned what you wanted them to learn? #edchat180
Q. As we enter the holiday season, how are you teaching the spirit of giving and gratitude in your classroom? #edchat180
Q. This week is #AlaskaWeekOfCode . How can computer coding/programming fit into your lesson planning? #edchat180
Q. How do you as an educator support your fellow teachers who are trying Personalized Learning strategies in the classroom? #edchat180